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This node places a range slider in the visual tree. It is used to select a number between a min and a max value.

The Slider node allows you to set a Step value. This controls in what intervals the slider can be incremented or decremented.


ValueSets the numeric value of the control.
MinSets the numeric minumum value that can be selected using this range control. Default is 0.
MaxSets the numeric maximum value that can be selected using this range control. Default is 100.
StepSets the numeric step value for this range control. Values can only be selected in the specified steps. Default is 1.

It can be enabled and disabled using the Enabled input:

EnabledSpecifies if the control is Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). A disabled control will not respond to any user interaction.

Thumb and track

The Property Panel features editing popouts for the Slider Thumb and Track. These are styled separately using modified versions of the Dimensions, Border Style, Corner Radius and Box Shadow gadgets.


This node supports the following Visual Input Properties:


ValueThe current selected numeric value of the range control.
Value PercentThe current selected numeric value of the range control adjusted to be between 0 and 100, so the value of the range control in %.
ChangedA signal is sent on this output when the value of the control is changed by user interaction.
FocusedA signal is sent on this output when the control is focused.
BlurredA signal is sent on this output when the control is blurred, i.e. it has lost the input focus.
Pointer DownEmitted when the mouse is pressed or finger is down on the node.
Pointer UpEmitted when the mouse is released or finger is lifted on the node.
Hover StartEmitted when the mouse enters the node.
Hover EndEmitted when the mouse leaves the node.


The Slider

EnabledA boolean output that is true if the control is in Enabled state and false if it is Disabled. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is enabled or disabled.
FocusedThis is a boolean type output that will be true if the control is in Focused state, and false otherwise. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is focused. This can be due to the user selecting the control for input or by using the keyboard.
HoverA boolean type output that is true when the user hovers over this control with the mouse and false otherwise. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is hovered.
PressedA boolean output that is true when the user is currently pressing the control. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is pressed.


This node supports the following Visual Output Properties:

@include "../shared-props/inputs/" @include "../shared-props/outputs/"