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Mapbox Polygon

This node should be placed as a child in the Mapbox Map node, it can be used in a repeater.

Here is the code that is inside the "Get Polygon" Function node:

Outputs.Coordinates = [
[-118.446802, 34.061877],
[-118.456802, 34.061877],
[-118.456802, 34.051877],
[-118.446802, 34.051877],
[-118.446802, 34.061877],


CoordinatesSets the current coordinates.
EnabledEnable / Disable user interaction.
EditSend a signal to start polygon editing.


Mapbox ObjectThe mapbox object.
Mapbox Draw ObjectThe mapbox draw object.
Feature IdThe feature id.
CoordinatesThe coordinates of the polygon.
UpdatedSends a signal when the polygon is getting updated.
SelectedSends a signal when the polygon is getting selected.
UnselectedSends a signal when the polygon is unselected.
Did MountSends a signal when the polygon is loaded.
Will UnmountSends a signal when the polygon is unloaded.