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Text Input

This node places a text input field in the visual tree. The input can be used to capture information from a user.

The captured value can easily be connected to other nodes in a project.


TextThe text string of the Text Input node. Setting this will change the current text, unless Set is connected, then it will be updated when Set receives a signal.
TypeThe type of the Text Input.

Text: A single line text input (default).
Text Area: A multi line text input.
Email: A single line email text input.
Number: A single line number input.
Password: A single line password input, will mask password by default.
PlaceholderThe placeholder text for when the Text Input is empty.
Placeholder OpacityThe opacity of the placeholder text. 0 is completely transparent and invisible. 1 is completely solid and opaque.
SetSets the text field value to the text in the Text input.
ClearClears the text.
FocusFocuses the text field.

Note: Some browsers, most notably Safari, only allow focus if it originates from a user event, like a click. So using a Delay node or other method might not work.
BlurRemoves the keyboard focus.


This node supports the following Visual Input Properties:


TextThe current text string.
On EnterSignal triggered when Enter/Return key is pressed.

It also features the standard set of UI control signals:

ChangedA signal is sent on this output when the value of the control is changed by user interaction.
FocusedA signal is sent on this output when the control is focused.
BlurredA signal is sent on this output when the control is blurred, i.e. it has lost the input focus.
Pointer DownEmitted when the mouse is pressed or finger is down on the node.
Pointer UpEmitted when the mouse is released or finger is lifted on the node.
Hover StartEmitted when the mouse enters the node.
Hover EndEmitted when the mouse leaves the node.


Apart from triggering signals the Checkbox node also notifies of its state through data outputs:

EnabledA boolean output that is true if the control is in Enabled state and false if it is Disabled. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is enabled or disabled.
FocusedThis is a boolean type output that will be true if the control is in Focused state, and false otherwise. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is focused. This can be due to the user selecting the control for input or by using the keyboard.
HoverA boolean type output that is true when the user hovers over this control with the mouse and false otherwise. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is hovered.
PressedA boolean output that is true when the user is currently pressing the control. This is useful when using this control as a base for your own component that will represent visually that it is pressed.


This node supports the following Visual Output Properties:

@include "../shared-props/inputs/" @include "../shared-props/outputs/"