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Directions API with the Mapbox Module

Here are some code heavy example of how to use the Directions API in Noodl. The code in this example is using Getting started with the Mapbox Directions API guide.

Listen to on click events on Mapbox

Script node:

Script.Outputs = {
["Mapbox Object"]: "*",
["Clicked"]: "signal",
["Clicked Longitude"]: "number",
["Clicked Latitute"]: "number"

Script.Signals["Mount Click Event"] = function () {
// Listen to the Mapbox on click event
// NOTE: This might cause some memory leaks,
// Not sure how Mapbox is handling it.
Script.Inputs["Mapbox Object"].on("click", (event) => {
// Get the coordinates that the user pressed on
const coords = Object.keys(event.lngLat).map((key) => event.lngLat[key]);

// Set the Noodl outputs
Script.Outputs["Clicked Longitude"] = coords[0];
Script.Outputs["Clicked Latitute"] = coords[1];

// Send the click signal

Create a route path on Mapbox

Script node:

// This function makes a Mapbox Directions API request
async function getRoute(map, start, end) {
const accessToken = Noodl.getProjectSettings().mapboxAccessToken;

// make a directions request using cycling profile
// an arbitrary start will always be the same
// only the end or destination will change
const query = await fetch(
{ method: "GET" }
const json = await query.json();
const data = json.routes[0];
const route = data.geometry.coordinates;
const geojson = {
type: "Feature",
properties: {},
geometry: {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: route,
// if the route already exists on the map, we'll reset it using setData
if (map.getSource("route")) {
// otherwise, we'll make a new request
else {
id: "route",
type: "line",
source: {
type: "geojson",
data: geojson,
layout: {
"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round",
paint: {
"line-color": "#3887be",
"line-width": 5,
"line-opacity": 0.75,

return data;

// Start of Noodl Script

Script.Inputs = {
map: {
displayName: "Mapbox Object",
type: "*",

startLongitude: {
displayName: "Start Longitude",
type: "number",
group: "Coordinates",
default: 0,
startLatitute: {
displayName: "Start Latitude",
type: "number",
group: "Coordinates",
default: 0,

endLongitude: {
displayName: "End Longitude",
type: "number",
group: "Coordinates",
default: 0,
endLatitute: {
displayName: "End Latitude",
type: "number",
group: "Coordinates",
default: 0,

// You can read more about Routing profiles here:
routingProfile: {
displayName: "Routing Profile",
type: {
name: "enum",
enums: [
label: "Driving Traffic",
value: "mapbox/driving-traffic",
label: "Driving",
value: "mapbox/driving",
label: "Walking",
value: "mapbox/walking",
label: "Cycling",
value: "mapbox/cycling",
default: "mapbox/cycling",

Script.Outputs = {
Steps: "array",
Duration: "number",

Script.Signals.CreateRoute = function () {
const map = Script.Inputs.Map;
const startCoords = [
const endCoords = [Script.Inputs.endLongitude, Script.Inputs.endLatitute];

// Add starting point to the map
id: "point",
type: "circle",
source: {
type: "geojson",
data: {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [
type: "Feature",
properties: {},
geometry: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: startCoords,
paint: {
"circle-radius": 10,
"circle-color": "#3887be",

const endPoint = {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [
type: "Feature",
properties: {},
geometry: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: endCoords,

if (map.getLayer("end")) {
} else {
id: "end",
type: "circle",
source: {
type: "geojson",
data: {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [
type: "Feature",
properties: {},
geometry: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: endCoords,
paint: {
"circle-radius": 10,
"circle-color": "#f30",

// make an directions request that
getRoute(map, startCoords, endCoords).then((data) => {
// Extract the steps / instructions
const steps = data.legs[0].steps;
Script.Outputs.Steps = steps;

Script.Outputs.Duration = Math.floor(data.duration / 60);