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Update Current User

This component is used to update information in the current logged in users /auth/me path in Xano.

Please note that Xano Client needs to be set up in your app before you can properly use this component.

Setting up endpoint

Xano does not create this endpoint by default for the user table. You have to create it manually, with a POST verb:

On success

When the data has successfully been updated the Update Current User component will also update the Noodl Object with the id currentUser.

A successful update will also trigger a Xano currentUser Updated event. You can hook into to this event anywhere in your app using a Receive Event node.


DataThe data you want to update.
DoSend a Signal to this input to update the data.


SuccessSends a signal when the request succeeded.
FailureSends a signal when an error occurred, and logs an error message in the console.