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Sign Up

This component is used create a new user in Xano.

Please note that Xano Client needs to be set up in your app before you can properly use this component.

On success

When a new user has successfully been registered the Sign Up component will create a Noodl Object with the id currentUser. This object contains all the user data retrieved from Xanos /auth/me endpoint.

A successful signup will also trigger a Xano User Logged In event. You can hook into to this event anywhere in your app using a Receive Event node.


EmailThe email of the user you want to sign up.
PasswordThe password of the user you want to sign up.
DoSend a Signal to this input to send the signup request.


SuccessSends a signal when the request succeeded.
FailureSends a signal when an error occurred, and logs an error message in the console.