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Match Custom Media Query

This component is used to check for a custom media query. It is mostly used for one-off edge cases. For general media query usage it is recommended to use the Match Media Query component.

Media Query

Here's a few examples of media queries:

  • (max-width: 375px). This will match if the screen size is 375px or smaller, like on an iPhone 8, or iPhone X.
  • (max-width: 768px). Typical size to check for tablets.
  • (max-width: 1224px). Typical size to check for desktop and laptops.

You can also create more complex media queries that check for multiple sizes, or a range:

  • (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-height: 640px). This will match any size that's above 320px, and no larger than 640px.


Media QueryThe Media Query String you want to detect


MatchSends a signal if the Media Query String matches the device
No MatchSends a signal if the Media Query String does not match the device