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Prefabs allow you to clone a pre-built component and use it in your project. The component can be used as is, or tweaked to your needs by opening it up and modifying its internal building blocks.

Learn how to import a prefabs to your project here.

All prefabs

Multi Choice with Pills

A multi select drop down, showing the selected items as pills.

Multi Choice

A component that allows for multi selection in a group of checkboxes.


Component for creating tables from data.


Component for creating dynamic forms.

List With Icons

A simple list component with icons and labels.

Navigation Menu

Component for creating navigation menus.

Media Query

Contains a handy component to create responsive interfaces.

Progress Circle

Contains an animating progress visualization in percentage.

Popup Modal

Contains a classic popup modal for simple confirm popups.


Contains Toast messages for success, warnings, errors, and neutral.

Toggle Switch

A toggle switch UI component.

Tab Bar

A tab bar component, useful for creating tab navigation.


An interactive star rating component.

Loading Spinner

A loading spinner that can be shown when requesting data etc.


Display a list of tags, with nice auto generated colors.

Selection Pills

A list of selection pills, select one or many.