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This prefab will add a logic component to your cloud functions so you can send emails with SendGrid, it will show up in the SendGrid folder among your cloud functions.


First you must provide a few settings, this is done in the Config part of the Cloud Dashboard. Launch your cloud services dashboard (if you don't have a cloud service you need to create and make it active for the project).

Then find the Config section in the sidebar of your dashboard. You can take a look at the Config node for more details on how config parameters work. Create a parameter for SendGridAPIKey, make sure you make the Master Key Only so it is protected in your cloud service.

Sending an email

Sending an email is done by adding a Send Email logic component to your cloud function and then sending a signal to the Do input.

There are a number of inputs to this node that is good to review:

  • To This is the email for the recipients on your email.
  • CC This is the email for the cc on your email.
  • BCC This is the email for the bcc on your email.

The three above inputs can also accept an array of emails, such as:

  • From One string containing an email that should be the from email address.
  • Subject The subject of your email.
  • Text If you want to send a pure text email provide the content of the email on this input.
  • Html If you want to send a html emal, provide the content of the email on this input.